interesting stories
Only 1% of people can find 9 differences in 19 seconds
People are curious by nature, so encouraging their curiosity with games is a great idea. They will surely be happy to look at detailed images for subtle differences.
interesting stories
Find 5 distinctions in the image of a girl having burgers on her hand in 7 seconds
Lover of the most complicated visual challenges? If so, get ready! Today, Líbero shines by bringing you one of the most sought-after challenges on the Internet.
interesting stories
Only 3 % of population managed to solve the challenge.Find 6 differences in the image of cowboys in 6 seconds
Thanks to social networks, users have found the perfect way to have fun during these last months of quarantine. These are the visual challenges, which
interesting stories
Identify 12 distinctions in the image of a cute girl with flowers in 12 seconds
Look very carefully at the illustrations that we will show you below. In them, you can see the same scene. Both images appear to be exactly the same;
interesting stories
Find 7 distinctions in the famous cartoon image in 7 seconds
We know you love the visual challenges that we bring you. Therefore, on this occasion we have chosen for you one of the most complicated on the entire
interesting stories
Only 1 percent of people can find All the 10 differences in 11 seconds
This visual exercise seems simple just by looking at it, but we tell you not to trust yourself because in reality you will have to pay all your attention
interesting stories
Find the 11 differences hidden in the pictures in 25 seconds
In the fast-paced urban world, we often overlook the details around us. I would like to invite you to participate in a new and exciting visual challenge
interesting stories
Discover 8 differences in the Halloween image in 18 seconds
If what you are looking for is a new challenge to prove that you are an expert,  ww heard your prayers. With this new viral challenge you can check if
interesting stories
Spot 10 differences in the image of the happy friends in 10 seconds
To pass this online exercise you must activate your mind to the maximum, be able to find the correct answer in a matter of a few seconds, but most importantly
interesting stories
Find 6 distinctions in the image of a bored boy in 6 seconds
Before embarking on solving the visual challenge, we recommend taking a moment to breathe deeply and start with a clear mind, ready to put your mental