A dog rejects to go away from the house which was on fire because the dog is defending four tiny friends which were inside the burning house


A dog rejects to go away from the house which was on fire because the dog is defending four tiny friends which were inside the burning house.There is stereotype that cats and dogs are in a bad relationship.

They are thought to be forever enemies. But there are cases when this stereotype is broken. One of the true  examples of this kind of relation  is introduced in this story. This is really an extraordinary story one can ever hear.

The dog’s name is Leo.It put his life in danger to rescue the four baby kittens from the burning house in Melbourne, in Australia.

While firefighters  were extinguishing the fire which was spreading  in the house, they found a dog still in the home. Firefighters had to avoid fallen power lines to come to the dog.Leo was found lying  insensible on the floor.

They took the dog and were shocked to what they saw under the dog. The dog covered the kittens to save them until the firefighters came.

Due to Leo,surprisingly  the four kittens were not harmed. Firefighters took the kittens and the dog  outside. Here the dog was given oxygen. Nowadays the dog is healthy. Here is the video


Please ‘SHARE’  this story with your family members and friends  if you also consider Leo as  a hero dog.



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