PHOTOS. Port Jackson shark swims towards her human friend to cuddle when she notices her friend


Port Jackson shark swims towards her human friend to cuddle when she notices her friend.Sharks are very lovely, sociable and charming mammals. The shark’s name is Port Jackson. The shark really gives a proof for it.

The enormous shark expresses her care and love towards her human friend. The Port Jackson shark swims towards the human friend and when the shark notices the human friend diving near wants many cuddles.

The human friend’s name is Nick Anderson. He is from Australia. He is a diver. He is also the best friend of Port Jackson shark. They met 7 years ago when the shark was little shark. Nick Anderson  made a decision to come to the shark  very slowly, tap it and talk to her delicately.

Nick and the adorable shark have been connected tightly and had a unique bond from then on. The man also names the shark as a friend. Most of the people are not able to  trust in this tight and adorable friendship. Sharks and human creatures may be friend and their bond may be tight. The friendship is so true and worth appreciating.

The shark friend approaches his human friend and  wants  a cuddle. This way of greeting  never changed for the past 7 years.

If you love the cute and true example of this friendship of the lively shark and the diver,  share this post with your family members and friends. Animals are able to feel care and love of human creatures.


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