The devoted and lovely mother otter located in an interesting way to raise the cub out of the water and place him on her belly to keep him dry and warm


A photographer whose name is Suzi Eszterthas is a nature digitar photographer. The photographer captured a sweet scene an adoreable pair of sea otters.

The otters were swimming in Monterey Bay, in California. The mother otter pulled out the baby otter of the water and put the otter on her belly.

She did so to keep the baby otter dry and warm. The mother otter blew warm air on the baby so that he would not catch a cold and his fur maintained dry.

The photographer was astonished when the otters approached near the place she was standing. The photographer was surprised by their reactions.

The mother otter let her baby drift in the water. Their fur keeps them above and does not let them unaided. They do not float. At the same time the mother otter searches for the little animals.

The mother even let the baby near the photographer and she serached for food. The baby otter floated on the surface of the water.

There are nearly 3,000 otters in California cost. These otters are the descendants of 50 otters which were found in 1938.

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