Horse Gives Little Puppy Gentle Head Rub, Puppy Returns The Love With Kisses


Love and friendship knows no species, and this adorable duo is out to prove that.

A tiny puppy, named Vily, met Tristian the horse for the first time at the Horseland Horse Center in Decka Simanovci, Serbia, and it was definitely love at first sight.

Instead of the teacup Pekingese pup being scared of the giant animal that is more than ten times his size, he instantly felt safe with him.

When Vily is held up to Tristian, he gives her a gentle head rub, and Vily returns the love by licking his face and giving him kisses on his forehead.

Tristian’s owner says he is a friendly horse who loves people and other animals, and that was made clear when he met Vily.

“While I was visiting the Horse Centre a friend of mine wanted to introduce her horse to Vily and a friendship was born between the horse and the dog,” Bocevski said. “They are friends now.”

Vily’s owner, Zile Bocevski, says he received him as a birthday gift from a friend.

Watch Vily and Tristian’s heartwarming meeting in the video below:

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