All sorts of toothy creatures are usually hiding in the depths of the sea, and the deeper, the more terrible they are.
Therefore, today we will not climb there, but stay closer to the sun, where the wonderful beast Costasiella kuroshimae lives.
Let’s call it for simplicity “sea sheep”, fortunately, it is very similar to a fabulous underwater lamb!
Charm, right? And completely, completely harmless! Find a sea leaf sheep, although it lives on a vast territory, it is only 5 mm in coverage.
See those green “horns” all over the back? They do real magic!Biologists say that a sea sheep is such a slug. But they are rebuffed by chemists who call it a living laboratory. Just imagine that a sea sheep gnaws green algae, not radiating satiety, but in order to get high-quality chloroplasts from them.
They are necessary for the process of photosynthesis, with the help of which plants “feed” on sunlight. The phenomenon is very complex and the sea sheep itself is not strong enough, so it takes other people’s chloroplasts and builds them into cells.
How precisely calculated, is still being understood, but the result is a small miracle. The slug begins to absorb sunlight as food – that’s how it lives.
Like an animal, but eats like a plant!There are literally a few creatures that do not belong to plants and microorganisms, but also know how to use photosynthesis, on the entire planet.
This is the real miracle of nature!