Discover 7 differences in 17 seconds in the scene of a girl painting a picture


They say that only participants who have excellent vision have managed to develop today’s challenge.

Prove that you are one of them and set a world record. Come on, try to set a new record!

Visual Challenge: Do you see the only difference?It is important to mention that you only have 5 seconds to develop this complicated mental challenge that has put thousands of people in ‘check’.

The dynamic consists of locating the only difference between the two girls. Let’s do it.

Time is up! We sincerely hope that you were able to develop this new mental challenge, but if the opposite happened, then you have to pay close attention to the next paragraph. The answer was always in front of you.

Visual challenge: Check where the difference is.Below you can see the official results of the visual challenge.

If you want to continue practicing, then do not hesitate to visit the website. It is important to mention that this type of mental exercises allows you to strengthen your mental skills.

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