A cute video. A sweet baby girl consoles and forgives the dog with innocent eyes who suddenly broke her plate


This story is such a cute one. The mother of the girl captured the scene. The baby girl was having breakfast when her dog interrupted her and suddenly broke her plate.

The baby girl did not start to cry or scold the beagle but she started to hug and kiss the dog. The girl made the situation so positive. The girl saw the innocent eyes of the dog and wanted to calm him down.

The girl behaved as if she forgave the dog. The name of the dog is Charlie. The little girl knew that her parents would buy the plate.

The girl is very smart as she understands that every problem has a solution.

She thought that maybe the beagle liked her breakfast and wanted to eat. The communication between  the beagle and the girl is very interesting and pleasant.

Here is the video:

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