The missing African beautiful serval cat was found and reunited with his owner after being lost for three days


The police officers found an African cat. The cat has been outdoors for 3 days.

The cute and adoreable cat had owners whose names are Lisa and Dean. They thought that the cat was afraid of their dog named Hank.

The african cat was named Spartacus. Lisa left the door open as the dog did not want to come in.

The cat escaped from the open door. The owners tried to find the cat but useless. They called the Merrimack police department for a support.

The neighbours told that they saw the african cat nearby. The couple decided to catch the cat using a trap.

The african cat was found trapped to the house. Luckily, the four years old cat was found by the police officer.

The cat was healthy and safe and was returned to her family. The cat lives indoors and likes to run freely in the house.

The family is very thankful for all the people who helped to find their cat.

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