Only the top 10 % will find the odd one out.

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A new brain teaser has left people scratching their heads as they struggle to find the odd one out lurking among the Bs of just 20 seconds – can you do it?

We all know that keeping our brains healthy and active is important, but knowing how to do that isn’t always easy, especially when you can’t give your brain a workout in the same way you do your body.

But if you take a closer look, you might be able to spot the odd out.Don’t worry if it takes you longer than 20 seconds to find the number.

You should solve the puzzle in any length of time is an accomplishment, and taking a little more time to get to the answer just means you need to keep practising.

And if you need a hint, let us give you one: You need to focus your search on the left-hand side of the picture, so you can ignore anything that’s on the right as you won’t find the number there.

Can you find the odd out in 5 seconds? Test your vision now.Don’t worry if it takes you longer than 20 seconds to find the number.

Here is the solution.

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