*Optical illusions, more pro-perly refe-rred to as visual illusions, involve dec-eption of the eye. A bro-ad var-iety of dece-ptive vis-ual eff-ects can be not-iced due to the arran-gement of the ima-ges, the imp-act of the col-ours, the imp-act of the light sou-rce, or other varia-bles.*
*Optical illusions ha-ve exis-ted since the time of the anc-ient Greeks. The Greeks incor-porated opt-ical tri-cks into their artw-ork and archit-ecture. Psych-ologically hum-ans tend to wei-rdly enjoy loo-king at optical illusions. The hu-man br-ain also ten-ds to love be-ing foo-led by such ill-usions.
*An optical illusion is a tech-nique for dec-eiving the bra-in into beli-eving some-thing is pre-sent when it may not be. The hum-an br-ain asse-mbles ima-ges be-cause it has come to anti-cipate spe-cific eve-nts. The data can be a bit conf-using at tim-es.
*Tod-ay we have yet ano-ther tr-icky hid-den Word Hat optical illusion for all the ra-zor sha-rp min-ds for ano-ther IQ boost.*
*For the on-es who have not tried any such optical illusions bef-ore try sol-ving the optical illusion to test the capa-bility of your mi-nd.
*Now, let’s level up the ga-me and make this cha-llenge more inter-esting. Let’s see how qu-ick you can fi-nd the hid-den Word Hat. How ma-ny of you can find the hid-den Word Hat in less than 20 Seconds. Well, don’t wo-rry as we wi-ll give you some cl-ues.
*But bef-ore that let’s try a cha-nce for all the ast-ute thin-kers.
*Now take a cl-oser look at the im-age gi-ven be-low. Are you get-ting any id-eas? Com-e on, you got this.
*So now for th-ose of you who ne-ed little help, you don’t have to wo-rry. Let’s try this ano-ther ti-me with a lit-tle bit of a clue. Now take a look at the area that belo-ngs to the he-art of the im-age, now do you get it.
*Yes, that’s rig-ht, that’s wh-ere the hid-den Word Hat is.
*Now let’s che-ck out the ans-wer. Are you re-ady? Let’s go…..