Only a legend can find 5 differences between these images in 9 seconds

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*Immerse yourself in this visual puzzle, focus on the small details and try to find the diff-erences:*

*Optical illusions are fascin-ating tricks related to how we see things, which makes us doubt reality. they use colors, patterns and depth to create painti-ngs that sur-prise us. Artists and scie-ntists use these illusi-ons to figure out how our brains per-ceive what we see.:

*From images that can look different to tricks with size and pers-pective, these puzzles capture our atten-tion and make us think about how we see the world.:

*The best thing about optical illusions is that they teach us that our eyes don’t alw-ays see the truth. Our brain som-etimes makes assumptions or fills in missing pieces that can create illusions. imag-ine that you are looking at an image that seems to be mo-ving and moving, but if you look closely, you will see that it is completely motionless.:

*Somet-imes it seems that this image chan-ges its shape or color if you look at it for a while. These magic tricks happen be-cause our eyes and brain don’t always understand things the same way. This is an optical illusion in action:
Only real obse-rvers will be able to notice 5 differen-ces in the image in 9 seconds

*In this optical illusion, you will need to find 5 differ-ences in two images. you have only 9 seconds. This is a test to see how well you notice small changes quickly. To play, you need to look at two photos very carefully. check and find 5 differe-nces in the image:

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