After going through a house fire and being badly injured and burnt, now the dog works as a therapy dog for those who also had this case of being burnt


This story is about a dog named Taka. He was burnt very seriously in the house fire. This incident happened in October in 2018. The dog is 9 years old. His injures were very serious. During the house fire the family quickly went out of the house.

The family did not manage to take the dog out. Fortunately, the burnt dog could run immediately to a neighbour’s house. The burnt dog was seriously injured in his back head and farthest points.

The dog was in need of care.Nowdays the dog is used as a dog for therapy for the children who are burnt and this is problem. As the dog needed serious and attentive medical care , the former owner gave it to vets. As the owner coul not look after him in a accurate and proper way. The dog was loved by every member of Care More Animal Hospital.



One of the members Crystal Lesley could not leave this dog and decoded to adopt him. It took a month for the injured dog  to recover.

Now Taka plays an important role by coming and seeing the burnt children, beome a hope for these children in despair. Taka does his work in a wonderful way. The dog really enjoya spending time with kids.

Taka also passed the examination very well as a therapy dog. This cute and kind-hearted dog encourages those who need care and love in this difficult state. He serves as  an enlightment for those who face this problem.

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