A dog who served in a military service passed away because of cancer. The dog got a touching hero’s farewell


A dog who served in the military service achieves a touching farewell for a true hero. The dog named Cena served as a bomb sniffing for already four and a half year.

Lance Cpl. Jeffrey DeYoung and Cena have worked together in Afghanistan for six months.

Their bond became so tight. The man was always with the dog and helped him in any situation.

He warmed the dog in the severe cold night and took him over the river. He always defended the dog.

The dog in his turn comforted the man when his seven best friends got lost for three weeks.

DeYoung was discharged but the dog continued his service for more than four years sniffing for a bomb.

The dog was retired in 2014 and the dog was adopted by DeYoung. They lived together for three years. The dog was diagnosed with cancer and his owner got in despair.

Cena gave sense to the life of DeYoung and spread love and care towards the man. Unluckily, Cena died after being diagnosed having a cancer.

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