Here is a cute story about a dog named Milka. She is very famous as she has attracted many people. The dog makes people’s heart melt.
The golden retriever lives in Poland. She has become a famous toruirst attraction. The dog likes to stand on the balcony and look what is going on.
The dog is very friendly and sociable. The dog greets passerbies and says hello. People who visit the Polish city of Gdansk always want to visit the so called “the dog from balcony”.
The dog peeks out from the first floor. This place where the dog stands has become one of the most famous tourist attractions in Gdansk.
The dog spends most of her time in the balcony. She can be seem interacting wth people with pleasure. The dog is so cute that people can not just pass by and not to notice him.
The dog has a facebook page and attracted people’s attention. The dog has many followers.
Here is the video:
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