Street Dog Bursts Into Tears After Being Rescued And Given A Fluffy Mattress


Manchas, a Pitbull Terrier, is put through street fights by his previous owners He is neglected to feed and then has skin cancer.

It was only after he broke free of the chains he found a family who would take him in and heal him that he realized he had a chance to live.

When they gave him his first bed, he fell into a deep sleep and started crying because the nights of cold, heat, and mosquitoes were over. Having been saved by the angels, he licked them as an expression of gratitude.


In response, Abigail Castro tells Bunko the story of Manchas, a dog who has suffered for a long time.

She took the dog to the vet, where he was found to have skin cancer, starvation, and infected wounds. She was shocked to see the bad condition of the dog when he came to her house all by himself, with injuries, untidy fur, and a sorrowful face.

An anonymous person suggested she search for the owner of this dog on social media, where she discovered Manchas belonged to some neighbors and was used as a weapon in illegal street fights. At that point, he took responsibility for him and adopted Manchas into his family despite his efforts to reach out to people.

His wounds were bothering Manchas from insects, and despite sleeping on the ground with a chain embedded in his skin and his wounds becoming swollen, nobody cared for him. His new family not only provided him with a home but also cured his skin ailments, fed him, and played with him. He didn’t have anything to complain about.

A few days after noticing stains on her other dogs’ beds, the owner began collecting money. Despite being curious, she never approached. The pitbull’s size dictates that she buy him a bed that is the right fit for him, so she searches for the perfect bed.
While it was a normal gift, Abigail saw it as the best gift he had ever received because Manchas went to bed with tears in his eyes. The tears didn’t stop flowing from his eyes as she watched him. She had no idea Manchas was crying.

There is general agreement among scientists that animals are conscious beings who experience varying degrees of emotion. Like us, our non-human friends experience feelings. Your pet’s expression of emotion would be appreciated, do not hesitate to share with us in the comment box below.

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