You can’t possibly guess who is a dog’s best friend


Animals, like a dog and a duck, may create extraordinary relationships of friendship.

They demonstrate that friendship knows no bounds.When Rex was around 5 years old, Andrew adopted him. The dog befriended Saho, the family’s other Husky at the time, almost immediately.

Unfortunately, Saho passed away, leaving a vacuum in Rex’s heart, but he would soon find solace in his new pal. Max was ecstatic when his parents decided to adopt Quackers.

The couple had lost a couple of pals when they kidnapped Quackers. Rex’s friendship provided comfort to the duck.

It might be stated that the two new buddies felt the same way, and they would never be alone again.

The out-of-the-ordinary pair of pals enjoyed spending time along the highway. Even in the garage, the two friends share a room.

When Max was 12 years old and Quackers was around 4 years old, the story became well-known in 2017.

Many individuals have fond recollections of them because of their friendship.

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