Mom d.i.ed lea.ving Pit Br0thers alone, 1 comforts the other before ‘sur.gery’!


They did everything together. They missed their mom a lot. They depend on each other. Hope they will find a place together.

Tonka and Little P took a trip with their mom, Kristofer Busching, to [Colorado once the] hit New York. They went for a hike deep in the mountains and set up camp.

Trag.ically, as they climbed higher, Mom his footing and f.e.ll, taking the dogs with him acc.identally. Kristofer di.ed on im.pact and the two dogs were in.jur.ed.

Their loyalty never wavered and the two dogs refused to leave Mom’s side. Rescuers had to pry the dogs away and take them to an animal shelter. Tonka had a ba.dly br.o.ken leg, Little P had mostly sup.erficial in.ju.ries.

The two dogs were so They had no idea what was going on. Through it all, though, they were glued to one another. It was in each other that they were able to find some comfort.

Tonka’s in.ju.ry needed a good 12 weeks of stable care but Little P is a playful little jumping bean. Having them together was too so the ve.t insisted they be separated for Tonka to heal properly.

Mom’s cousin is fostering Little P while Tonka [he.als] with a me.dical foster. Little P is doing well but it’s Tonka they’re most worried about. Tonka is ten years old and his mom had him since he was a small puppy. These two dogs need to be reunited as quickly as possible. They can’t each other too!

They did gave a wonderful loving home as we were unable to take them with other dogs and a grand baby in a small house.. we had a memorial for Kristofer which the pups came to.. when Tonka realized Kristofer wasn’t coming back he di.ed in his sleep.

I’m sure if a br.oken heart.. he was 10 and very healthy after his sur.geries.. I like to believe they are together.. Little P has a wonderful and living home which I’m eternally grateful for and we are always in touch with his new mom and dad.

Dogs are blessing best friends great therapy great companions and for life godbless them all gorgeous dogs.

God’s blessings and prayers for you and your family

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