*An optical illusion is a techn-ique for dece-iving the br-ain into beli-eving some-thing is pre-sent wh-en it may not be. The Nu-mber 680 br-ain assem-bles ima-ges beca-use it has co-me to antic-ipate spe-cific ev-ents. The da-ta can be a bit conf-using at tim-es.*
*Tod-ay we ha-ve yet ano-ther tri-cky hid-den Num-ber 680 optical illusion for all the ra-zor-sharp min-ds for ano-ther IQ boo-st.
*For the on-es who ha-ve not tri-ed any su-ch optical illusions bef-ore try sol-ving the optical illusion to test the capa-bility of yo-ur mi-nd.
*Now, let’s le-vel up the ga-me and ma-ke this chal-lenge more inter-esting. Let’s see how qu-ick you can find the hid-den Num-ber 680. How Ma-ny of you can find the hid-den Number 680 in le-ss than 12 Seco-nds. Well, don’t wo-rry as we will gi-ve you so-me clu-es.
*But bef-ore th-at let’s try a chan-ce for all the ast-ute thin-kers. Now take a cl-oser look at the ima-ge giv-en be-low. Are you gett-ing any ide-as? Co-me on, you got th-is.
*And your ti-me sta-rts now. Co-me on, don’t lo-se yo-ur atte-ntion. Conc-entrate, yes, yes that’s it, you got th-is. Ta-ke a dee-per lo-ok at the im-age.
*Time’s run-ning, co-me on qu-ick, you’re los-ing ti-me,…………. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and st-op.
*Well do-ne you’ve got this ri-ght, congrat-ulations. We-ll, for the re-st of th-em who did not get it, let’s he-ad to the next step.
*So now for th-ose of you who ne-ed lit-tle he-lp, you don’t have to wor-ry. Let’s try this ano-ther ti-me with a lit-tle bit of a cl-ue. Now take a look at the ar-ea that bel-ongs to the he-art of the im-age, now do you get it.
*Yes, that’s ri-ght, that’s wh-ere the hid-den Numb-er 680 is.
*Now let’s ch-eck out the ans-wer. Are you rea-dy? Let’s go……
*The highlig-hted ar-ea is whe-re the hid-den Number 680 is there.