How a man discovered his talent of sculpturing on the beach


Many people have pleasure having a rest at the beach and getting a sunbathe. Sea is an opportunity to get a freedom and gives a chance to forget about everyday problems.

Abdoni Bastarrika uses going to the sea as a way to show his talent. This man from Spain is unbelievable good at creating sculpturers from sand.

The cultures tend to be a real art as you look at his works. He sculptures unbelievable real sculptures of  animals. He is so talented doing everything

By accident he discovered his smart and beautiful skills of  doing sculptures many years ago Bastarrika  tells about this.

While being at the seaside with his two children, he made a decision to create a mermaid of sands at  He  was at a beach with his two daughters and somehow decided to create a mermaid out of the sand.

It was that moment when the man understood that he has got a divine talent. As he explains, these were his hands that knew what to do.He has spent already 10 years of his life doing what he adores. He found out his desire and passion for sand carving and never gave up on it.

Now the man is now of the most famous sand sculpture makers in the world that continues on surprising people with his new works.It takes hours and sometimes days to make one of these amazing figures. For instance, the horse and bison sculptures took him two days but for creating dog models he needed 6-8 hours.

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