A horse at his owner’s funeral says final goodbye to his owner who wouldn’t give up on him. There is a special bond between the horse and the man that went on until the end of their life.
Janna Grapperhaus remembered the story how her father brought home a “young and vicious stallion”. His name was Major.
Major was still very wild animal, because his ex-owners were not able to break him.
Although they made an effort with rude techniques. They beat and left him tied to a place without any water or food for nearly four weeks.
Janna wrote that the time her dad brought the horse home, he barreled through five strands of fence in minutes of arriving and he’d bite and strike at anyone within far away distance.
But Janna’s father rejected to “break” the horse Major. He preferred to take the time to gain the horse’s trust and love.
It was a method that others hesitated.Janna says her mother thought the horse was going to kill him. Her mother even gave a nickname to the horse. She called her “Major Deal.”
The father was devoted to the horse. Janna told her father never broke the horse. He gained his heart. Her father worked hard for hours to earn that abused horse’s trust every day.
Finally it took two years to earn Major trust and love. So that the horse let his owner to ride him.
Against all strange things , the wild horse was finally domesticated. There was a real love between the man and his horse.
When dad would go out, Major would kiss him. Janna wrote that the father and the horse had a tight bond that only horse people could ever understand.
Unfortunately, Janna’s father recently died. And as his family and friends came to mourn at his funeral, so did mourn his beloved horse. Janna wrote that it seemed as if only fitting to let Major say goodbye.
And in a beautiful moment of saying goodbye Major came to the casket and said goodbye with a last kiss to his owner.
The beautiful and heartwarming story has since that time gone viral on social media. It has over 166,000 shares on Facebook.
It’s a story that shows the power of care, patience and love, and how we can form real loving bonds with animals: Janna writes thar love won out in the end.
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