PHOTOS.A heartwarming story about an autistic boy who finally found a close friend


Look at this scene. I have never seen such touching and thrilling scene.  A five years old Autistic boy saw his new dog which suffered Autism.  He met the dog yesterday. The dog was from  Autism Service Dog,  from Tornado.

They are from America. They live offshore in Japan. In Tornado they got ready for this meeting for about two years.

This mother is not able to put on clothes,  cuddle, wash, curl up and hold her son openly and frankly. Nevertheless, the son is laying on the  Autism service dog of his own wish and desire, with determind, unexpressed  closeness and devotion.

Look at the excited face of the mom looking at his son in this emotional photo. The mom is excited because her son did not interact with other people. He didn’t even make up friends. He did  not go to the amusement park. He did not even try to have close friends. But now the dog has  become his son’s close friend. Now he has a companion.

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