Although the dog has become older, she still wants hugs and cuddles as she still feels as Dad’s little girl


The dad of the dog named Anabel adopted the cute puppuy when she was just three weeks old.

The dog was a consolation for the man and the man was a best friend for the dog. Both of them enjoyed each other’s company.

The dog got used to his new home very quickly. The man treated the infant dog like a dad.

The family treated the dog with care and love. The family treated the dog as a full member of the family.

As the dog got older the dog continued to feel like a little girl. The dog has the tendence of being hugged and cuddled.

She always wants attention and care as before. The dog still remains childish and lies on the owner’s feet and wants to be hold tightly and get hugs.

She relies on her dad and feels safety being by the side of the family. This is an adoreable bond between an owner and a dog.

The dog knows that her dad is always by her side and protects him from anything possible.

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