A dog named Mirabel was seen in the pavements in Kentucky by a good doing person. When they came near the dog they saw that the dog did not have a nose. At once they rang up an animal rescue centre a dog with horrible facial trauma.
The dog had this inborn defect. Her lips and nose were missing, but this was not a result of damage because of bad incident. The vets examined the puppy carefully and came to a conclusion that the puppy had congenital malformation. She had also problems connected with her teeth.
Mirable was taken to the WAF. The foundation downloaded the story of this puppy and very quickly 6,000 dollars was donated to this puppy. This money was used for the curing of Mirable.
Even the dog was seen in the newa report and attracted many people’s attention. A girl fell in love with the dog seeing her on TV.
This girl works with children and uses the dog as a means of showing trust, kindness and welcoming. The dog got used to this girl and turned out to be very sociable. She behaved as a simple dog.
Nowdays the puppy is not scared of people and other animals.All the family members and pupils just adore the puppy. They do not even notice his disformality.
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